Sunday, August 28, 2011

:: if u noe ::

if u noe how hurt it is!
wasting 2 days and waiting for u..

and if u noe,
how much important u r in my life

and if i noe,
that u not even need me,
i wont love u as this much!


:: saya mahu bertukar jd gojes di hari raya ini ::

yea, me berharap sungguh to make over b4 hari raya,
and yest akhirnya me berjaya! 
tak sia-sia amik cuti awal.

misi pertama,
facial, urutan spa and rawatan mata.
i even had a eyelash extension!!
whoooh itu adalah sangat cool!
thanks equilibrio spa!!

then misi kedua,
hair make over pula,
ke jean yip,
mahu short cut and dark purple
mak and buah hati say NO!!
finally after separuh hari,
im done!
yeayy x sabar nk raya

to all kawan2, sister2,

enjoy n cheers!

-salam lebaran maaf zahir dan batin-
