Monday, March 28, 2011

:: moving out ::

my week sangat super bz this few weeks! im mooving out soon.. really soon.. on wed this week. sangat berterima kasih to angah and adik ipar.. and to dear wati. for always being there when i need some1 to talk..
 yup. memang betul, u can find any man to b ur bf.. but u cnt find a gud friend once u lost her..
rumah sudah siap dicuci, even set bilik tidur dah sampai. periuk nasi, dapur gas, cerek, bakul, meja, kerusi dah dibeli. cuma masih belum dapat dicari carpet and almari dapur gas.i shuld get all this by this wed.. sory wati kerana selalu susah kan lu! but u noe wa sayang lu juta2 kan?? and most wati. thanks sebab sudi temankan wa..
moving to new house = im leaving all i hav before wif him! sudah la. jangan dikenang benda yang dah lepas! life shuld go. i am a brave lady! keep telling myself, im suffered enuff for this 6 years! i shuld focus on my career and family! syukur pada tuhan, pintu hati terbuka akhirnya! moga selalu  aku dalam lindungan kasih sayang tuhan.. amin

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